Drug Rehab in Fort Lauderdale
Drug Rehab in Fort Lauderdale, FL
The majority of your stay at Legacy Healing inpatient drug rehab will revolve around attending different types of therapy sessions. One of the forms of therapy that you will experience is group therapy. Group therapy is an influential part of your recovery because it allows you to make connections with other substance abusers that may share similar experiences. Developing relationships with other patients is an asset to your recovery because it provides you with a support system that you can count on if you are having a bad day.
Another type of therapy that you will take part in during rehab is one on one therapy. One of the numerous benefits of therapy is that it allows our team to work with you on determining the root causes of your addiction. There are certain traumas or events that you may have gone through that you do not feel comfortable sharing in a group setting. One on one therapy allows you to explore those occasions in a safe environment with a trained counselor that can help you work through your emotions.
Our years of experience in the rehab industry have taught us that addiction can affect every member of your family which is why we also offer family counseling in addition to group and individual therapy. This therapy option allows you to work on your relationship with your family and can help them to understand the diverse nature of addiction.
What Is Drug Rehab Like?
The majority of your stay at Legacy Healing inpatient drug rehab will revolve around attending different types of therapy sessions. One of the forms of therapy that you will experience is group therapy. Group therapy is an influential part of your recovery because it allows you to make connections with other substance abusers that may share similar experiences. Developing relationships with other patients is an asset to your recovery because it provides you with a support system that you can count on if you are having a bad day.
Another type of therapy that you will take part in during rehab is one on one therapy. One of the numerous benefits of therapy is that it allows our team to work with you on determining the root causes of your addiction. There are certain traumas or events that you may have gone through that you do not feel comfortable sharing in a group setting. One-on-one therapy allows you to explore those occasions in a safe environment with a trained counselor that can help you work through your emotions.
Our years of experience in the rehab industry have taught us that addiction can affect every member of your family which is why we also offer family counseling in addition to group and individual therapy. This therapy option allows you to work on your relationship with your family and can help them to understand the diverse nature of addiction.
One of the first decisions that you will need to make when contemplating rehab is whether you should first attend detox. Regardless of the length of your addiction, when you stop consuming drugs, you will feel some physical and emotional side effects. During withdrawal, you can expect to experience bouts of nausea, periods of anxiety as well as restlessness.
It’s important to note that you should never go through the withdrawal process without the assistance of an experienced medical professional. It’s possible that you may become too sick to care for yourself. Going through withdrawal in our detox program ensures that your physical and mental health is looked after at all times.
Once you recover from your withdrawal symptoms, you can start to finalize your rehab treatment plan. Part of making those plans will be deciding on the length of time you plan to stay in rehab. Regardless of whether you enroll in our 30, 60 or 90-day rehab program, you are provided with the opportunity to break the cycle of addiction. Rehab allows you to formulate new and healthy habits and routines.
Another choice you will need to make is whether you plan to attend our inpatient program or our intensive outpatient program. The major difference between the two programs is where you decide to stay while you are going through the rehab process. If you opt to go through our inpatient program, you will eat and sleep at our facility while you attend therapy and other activities during the day.
Our outpatient program provides you with a more flexible option. During the day, you will take part in different forms of therapy and interact with other patients. However, once your sessions are done, you have the ability to go back to the comfort of your home. This is an ideal option for those in recovery that need to adhere to other work or personal responsibilities but still want to take part in active treatment.
Why Choose Our Fort Lauderdale Drug Rehab Program?
The professionals at the Legacy Healing Center are committed to providing you with every opportunity to make a significant change in your life. We understand the struggle and embarrassment associated with addiction and work with you to organize a treatment plan that suits your recovery goals.
Of course, our team understands that recovery does not end once you leave our facility which is why we created an addiction aftercare program. This program is focused on patients that have gone through the rehab process but would still like to communicate with our team about their plans going forward.
Reach out to one of our intake specialists at (888) 534-2295 to take the first steps toward your rehab journey.

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