Fort Lauderdale Benzo Rehab Program
What are Benzos Used For?
Benzodiazepines are typically used in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia and possess a high likelihood of addiction when abused. First isolated in the 1950s, they can be very effective in managing panic disorders and other related symptoms. Sadly, as tolerance levels increase, so does a person’s potential for dependency. With how dangerous withdrawals from these drugs can be, it is highly recommended that those suffering from addiction to benzos seek out professional intervention. Read on to learn more about Legacy Healing Center’s benzo rehab program and how it can turn your life around for the better.
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Facts About Benzodiazepines
Benzos belong to the class of drugs known as depressants or “downers.” They are effective in slowing down the messages that travel between the body and brain, producing an intensely relaxing effect in users. In particular, benzos will enhance the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that is responsible for reducing more stimulating signals in the central nervous system.
When prescribed in a medical setting, they are used to manage anxiety and aid patients in falling asleep. They can also assist in managing epilepsy and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Sadly, many people will abuse these drugs to experience some kind of high, which can greatly affect their tolerance levels. Once these levels have been impacted, addiction is likely and can make it increasingly difficult to break away from using the substance on one’s own.
Benzo Addiction Signs
If a person consumes these drugs in any way other than directed by their physician, they run the risk of developing a dependency that can affect them for the rest of their life. These individuals can present symptoms of abuse on physical, mental, and emotional levels, which can include:
- – Severe drowsiness
- – Lack of physical stability
- – Fainting
- – Noticeable confusion
- – Difficulty remembering things
- – Social and familial isolation
- – Lack of interest in hobbies
- – Abrupt mood changes
It is also worth keeping in mind that benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms can be particularly dangerous, even life-threatening. In severe and untreated cases, these symptoms can become fatal, especially in users that are elderly, abuse alcohol, or have a history of seizures. In any case, it is strongly encouraged that those in need obtain benzo detox in Fort Lauderdale that can address these symptoms in a safe and comfortable environment.

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