Fort Lauderdale Detox Programs
What is Detox?
Detoxification (detox) is the process of clearing the body of drugs or alcohol. The purpose of detox is to safely clear the person’s system of these substances while preventing and managing any complications or symptoms caused by withdrawals. Everyone’s experience in detox is different, but having the support of a medical team can make all the difference. Legacy Healing Center offers Fort Lauderdale detox programs for various substances to help clients safely begin their recovery.
How Does Detox Work?
As we mentioned, drug detox is the process of ridding the body of substances such as drugs or alcohol. Usually, medically monitored detox is the first step in a client’s addiction treatment plan, mainly to address the effects of physical dependence.
Physical dependence occurs when a person’s body becomes accustomed to regularly ingesting a particular substance and can lead to addiction if it goes untreated. When someone with a physical drug dependence suddenly stops using drugs or alcohol, they will exhibit psychological and behavioral reactions called withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal symptoms can become complicated and even life-threatening if they’re not treated properly. Medical detox centers seek to medically stabilize patients, minimize their withdrawals, prevent potentially harmful reactions, and help them transition to a substance abuse rehab program or another form of continued care.
During detox, patients may either receive gradually reduced doses of a drug to slowly ease them out of physical dependence, or they may receive medication to alleviate their withdrawals as their body adjusts. Common detox side effects or withdrawals include:
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Agitation
- Depression
- Flu-like symptoms
- Shaking
- Seizures
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Headaches
- Cravings
The nature of these symptoms varies depending on factors like the type of drug, how much the person uses, and how long they’ve been using. Some drugs are more dangerous to detox from than others, such as benzos, alcohol, and opioids. In cases of severe dependence and addiction, a lack of medical support can either land the person in the emergency room or have fatal consequences. Fortunately, our detox center in Fort Lauderdale offers these services for all types of substances.
How Long Does Detox Take?
How long detox takes may also vary according to the drug, how long the person has been using it, as well as physical factors like the state of their liver or kidneys. Generally speaking, however, withdrawal symptoms tend to peak at the two to three-day mark and level off after a week. For some drugs, such as benzos, withdrawal symptoms can persist for up to two weeks after stopping use.
Regardless of the length of time it takes for detox to be completed, the long-term changes it makes to reduce the chances of relapse are much more noteworthy. Both inpatient and outpatient programs can help people struggling with addiction not only get through detox but also gain new coping strategies that will equip them to cope with any unpleasant mental or physical symptoms of withdrawal or triggers that may occur down the line.
Options for Fort Lauderdale Drug Detox
Because all substances produce various withdrawal symptoms, Legacy Healing Center offers detoxes in Fort Lauderdale for different substances to ensure we’re able to help people with all kinds of substance use disorders safely kickstart their recovery. Our detoxification programs include:
- Alcohol Detox
- Benzodiazepine Detox
- Cocaine Detox
- Heroin Detox
- Methamphetamine Detox
- Opioids Detox
- Prescription Drug Detox
Detox is a major step in our levels of addiction care, acting as a foundation for a healthy and strong foundation for sobriety. Our detoxification services set the tone for the person’s recovery, addressing cravings and symptoms that may have otherwise caused them to relapse.
If you or someone you care about is addicted to drugs or alcohol and needs detox, our Legacy Healing Center locations can help. Contact us today to get started.
Related Reading:
Can I Detox at Home? How to Safely Detox from Drugs

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