8 Facts About Men and Addiction
Legacy Healing Center Blog
Important Information About Gender and Addiction
An addiction to drugs or alcohol is difficult for any person to deal with because it affects nearly every facet of a person’s life. Over the past few years, there have been some fascinating developments in our understanding of men and addictive habits and behaviors. Here are seven important discoveries that you should know about regarding men and addiction.
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1. Early manifestation of addictive qualities
Men tend to begin experimenting with risky behavior much earlier in life than women do. This type of behavior often results in exposure to drugs and alcohol. When a person has frequent access to drugs or alcohol at an early age, they are more likely to develop an addiction.
2. Heightened risk of binge drinking
According to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control, men are twice as likely to binge drink than women are. In the same study, it was determined that 58% of all men who were interviewed reported that they consumed multiple drinks within a short timeframe. There are serious short term and long-term consequences associated with binge drinking including issues with mood and memory as well as the possibility of brain and liver damage.
3. Mental illness is often a factor
Men tend to experience some form of co-occurring mental health issues while also suffering from addiction. Difficulties with mental health can come in many forms including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. Sadly, there is often a stigma of embarrassment that is associated with mental illness which can lead to substance abuse and addiction as a form of self-medication.
4. Hindrance of male hormone production
Many men do not realize that by consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, they negatively impact their body’s ability to produce male hormones. The lack of hormones can result in issues including impotence and infertility, as well as a noticeable reduction in certain male characters such as facial and chest hair.
5. Increased risk of cancer
One particularly frightening consequence of excessive alcohol use in men is that it is associated with a heightened possibility of developing various forms of cancer. Liver, colon, throat, mouth and esophageal cancer are particularly prevalent in men who have a history of alcohol addiction.
6. Higher mortality rate
Men who were involved in motor vehicle accidents where they were driving drunk are more likely to succumb to injuries. This is most likely due to the fact that they have the tendency to consume more alcohol which prevents the body’s natural self-preservation instincts to take over.
7. Intense withdrawal symptoms
Experiencing withdrawal symptoms is often part of the recovery process. According to a study found in the Journal of Neuroscience Research, the physical and emotional symptoms that men experience during this time are typically more intense than they are for women.
Turn to Legacy Healing Center for Help
If you find yourself struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, the experienced and compassionate professionals at Legacy Healing Center can provide you with the insight and guidance you need to work through your addiction. Our unique, holistic, comprehensive approach helps our clients to create a sober, happy, and healthy life and maintain sobriety long-term.
Please reach out to one of our intake specialists today at (888) 534-2295 to learn more.