Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Legacy Healing Center Trauma Therapy
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
When you have decided you are ready to break away from the hold that drugs or alcohol have on your life, it’s tempting to assume you can do it alone, that it’s sheer willpower or out-thinking the addiction. Maybe you think you need help with drug detox to manage the physical withdrawal safely. The caring people at Legacy Healing Center know there’s a lot more to overcoming addiction than just physical healing. That’s why they offer numerous strategies, customized to your need, to help you not only achieve sobriety, but to maintain it long term.
That’s where techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can make a difference. Neuro-Linguistic Programming teaches you a skill set that helps you to think differently and simplify communication within yourself. Think of NLP as a tool to discover and potentially reprogram your inner communication system.Your communication system uses specific sights, sounds, and other sensory triggers that leave you feeling stressed, anxious, or tense.
The way you respond to those inner communications sometimes leads you to substance use, although you may not even realize it. NLP, in the skilled hands of trained therapists, may help you change a negative mindset that is interfering with life the way you want to live it.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Caring for Ladies and Gentlemen.
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming Therapy?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Therapy (NLPT) is just one of the therapy options that may benefit you as you undergo alcohol or drug rehab in Florida to reclaim control of your life. NLPT teaches you self-help techniques that will provide you with the emotional resilience necessary to rebuild your life, have the inner motivation to achieve your goals and enjoy a sustained recovery.
You are learning how your subconscious and conscious mind communicate with one another, then reprogramming the connections. Instead of focusing on what isn’t desired (substances), you can learn to target your goals toward sobriety through programming and brain-language communication. Your way of thinking, and as a result, your behavior, can be changed step-by-step to help you address the root causes of your addiction.
How Does NLP Work?
When you come to Legacy Healing Center, you will not be thrown into a program without being properly assessed and the right therapy tools and techniques being identified to best help you. There are numerous therapy options, including:
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). With a trained professional, you will identify painful events and work to change the destructive, negative thought patterns and behaviors that have formed to cope with those events.
Hypnotherapy, in which a licensed practitioner guides the patient into a semi-conscious state to access and treat the unconscious mind.
NLP, on the other hand, uses timeline therapy, which helps you mentally visualize the timeline of events that led to traumatic experiences. This is done in a fully conscious state. A counselor will first build a strong rapport with you to determine the best ways your behavior patterns can be reprogrammed unconsciously to prevent negative reactions to emotions that have evolved from past trauma.
Different techniques are taught to help you change your behaviors and responses to stimuli, such as pairing a great memory with a trigger, like tapping your leg when you want to feel happy.
For many patients, therapy is not just one tool, but a combination of techniques to help you reprogram your mind, emotions, and even habits to empower you to live a healthy, happy, whole life free from the trappings of addiction.
Benefits of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Addiction Treatment
Addiction recovery is a very individual experience. NLP teaches you self-help techniques that will provide you with the emotional resilience necessary to rebuild your life, have the inner motivation to achieve your goals and enjoy a sustained recovery. Instead of focusing on what isn’t desired (substances), you can learn to target your goals toward sobriety through programming and brain-language communication. Your behavior and ways of thinking can be changed step-by-step to help you address the root causes of your addiction.

Legacy Healing center Trauma Therapy
Contact Us To Learn More
When you are ready to break free from your addiction, contact us at Legacy Healing Center at 888-497-8403. You’ll speak with a compassionate treatment specialist who will listen and help you figure out the first step on your journey to recovery.
While you’re at Legacy Healing Center and during aftercare, you will always be treated kindly and with the respect and dignity, you deserve. We are Ladies and Gentlemen, caring for Ladies and Gentlemen.
We want to help you find your way back to good, back to freedom, back to life.
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