How to Identify Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms
Legacy Healing Center Blog
How to identify dangerous symptoms of alcohol poisoning
Alcohol poisoning is caused by heavy drinking in a relatively short period. It is a dangerous condition that often requires medical treatment because it can sometimes be fatal. Alcohol poisoning symptoms include dangerously low body temperature, seizures, vomiting, unconsciousness, irregular breathing which can slow completely, and the symptoms may lead to coma or even death.
If you or someone you love needs help with alcohol addiction, call (888) 534-2295 to speak with a treatment specialist today.
If you fear that someone has alcohol poisoning, then do not hesitate to call 911 immediately. It’s best to be safe in such a situation than to let the person “sleep it off” because there may be fatal consequences. When calling emergency services, be prepared to provide vital information such as how much they drank, the kind of alcohol they drank, and when they started drinking the heavy amounts of alcohol.
It’s also important not to leave the individual who may be suffering from the alcohol poisoning symptoms since their gag reflex will be affected and they may choke and stop breathing, which will require your immediate assistance, such as turning them on their side to avoid them from choking on their vomit. Staying on the line with emergency services can provide you with the aid needed to assist the person in their time of need.
Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms
To be able to better identify the symptoms of alcohol poisoning, we will examine the most common symptoms. They are as follows:
- Passing out and not being able to wake the person up
- Severely slowed breathing rate, which can drop to only 8 breathes per minute
- A very low body temperature
- Seizures
- Confusion
- Irregular breathing patterns, such as a 10-second period between breaths
- Vomiting
- Pale skin, or possibly a blue-tinged skin color
It’s important to note that not all of the symptoms need to be present in order for it to be alcohol poisoning. For example, if the only alcohol poisoning symptoms they exhibit is unconsciousness, then there is a risk that their condition may be fatal.
The Risk Factors that Increase the Chances of Alcohol Poisoning
Several factors can increase the chances of experiencing alcohol poisoning, even if a person is a regular drinker. The following are some of the risk factors that you should be aware of:
- A person’s level of tolerance
- Their current health status
- Drinking on an empty stomach
- The size and weight of the individual
- The amount of alcohol, and the rate at which it’s consumed
- Combining drugs with alcohol, including illicit and prescription drugs
- Drinking high-content alcoholic drinks, such as spirits
What are the Possible Health Complications?
When a person suffers from alcohol poisoning, there are many health complications that may occur – many of which are live-threatening.
The following are some of the most common complications in a person that doesn’t have prior medical problems:
- Dehydration: Alcohol tends to dehydrate a person due to frequent urination, and when that is coupled with vomiting, the person can have severe dehydration, which causes an increase in their heart rate and perilously low blood pressure.
- Seizures: When blood sugar level drops low enough, it can result in seizures.
- Choking: Due to the suppressed gag reflex, a person may choke on their vomit, especially when passed out.
- Brain damage: Irreversible brain damage is possible due to a lack of oxygen.
- Breathing may stop: Breathing may stop due to vomit entering the lungs, leading to asphyxiation.
- Hypothermia: Low body temperature may lead to cardiac arrest.
Heavy drinking, even on one occasion, can lead to death if help isn’t found quickly. If heavy drinking is a frequent occurrence, there may be a problem with alcohol, such an addiction. To get professional help for alcoholism and overcoming your addiction and alcohol abuse, contact Legacy Healing today at 888-534-2295.