Tips for Dating in Addiction Recovery
Legacy Healing Center Blog
While dating in addiction recovery is never recommended, it’s important to be realistic about people meeting and developing relationships. Here we will address dating in addiction recovery and some tips to help individuals stay on track.
When someone makes the courageous decision to enter an addiction rehabilitation center they are allowing themselves time for self-care, healing, and reflection. Because of the fact that rehabilitation is a time to focus on one’s individual self, it is not recommended to start dating while in recovery. Individuals should be taking the time to focus on controlling their minds and urges as well as establishing a routine and structure. While dating in addiction recovery is never recommended, being realistic about meeting and connecting with other individuals is important. Continue reading to see some of our tips for dating in addiction recovery.
Sobriety Is First & Foremost
One of the main points to remember is that no matter what else is going on, sobriety needs to come first. If you are taking the time to enter an addiction recovery center, you must put your program and your life first. If you have met someone in recovery, life priorities can often change to focus on that person, and it’s important to make sure that they also have your best interest in mind. If this individual uses drugs and alcohol, that means that there is a higher risk for relapse, especially in the case of a breakup. If they are also on the path to recovery, ensure that they also are putting their sobriety first because their sobriety can also influence your sobriety. While meeting someone can be a great thing, while in recovery it’s important to make sure that you are working on getting yourself better and putting all of your efforts into that.
Go Slow In New Relationships
Addiction is something that is transferrable to other aspects of life and often times individuals struggling with addiction may look for a type of instant gratification as they once did with their substance abuse and this can come through in new relationships. Because getting into a new relationship can shift intentions and focus it can also pull you away from your intention of staying sober. This is why it is important to take new relationships slow because focusing on your well-being is most important. Stay away from making big decisions such as living together or getting married and take the time to wait it out and make sure that you are healthy both for your well-being and the well-being of the relationship.
If you or someone you love needs help with addiction, call (888) 534-2295 today to speak with a treatment specialist.
Allow Yourself To Be Present In Therapy & Sober Time
Allow yourself the time to take advantage of the therapeutic environment that you get through a recovery center. Being in this type of environment can help with the learning of new habits and becoming educated about the disease. In therapy, you will learn to control cravings, understand how to stay sober, how to stay away from triggers and teach you how to know when you’re ready for everyday life. At the same time, this therapy time should allow each individual a time of sobriety to focus on yourself and living over long periods of time without the use of substances. Addicts who are in recovery need the time to learn how to deal with sobriety and the parts that come with it and relationships, while often great, can sometimes add stress to the process and create new outlets for addiction.
Legacy Healing Center is one of the leading recovery programs in Florida and can help you walk through all facets of recovery. Call today to find out more information! (888) 534-2295.