Does Insurance Cover Rehab? 7 Things to Know
Legacy Healing Center Blog
Get the rehab insurance coverage information you need with the help of Legacy Healing.
If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, you may be wondering, does insurance cover rehab? This is an important question that needs to be answered. And the answer is yes, many insurance policies will cover rehabilitation treatment.
The type of treatment and the length of coverage depends on your unique policy. You should speak with your insurance provider about rehab insurance coverage on your plan so that you know exactly what is covered and what you may have to pay for yourself.
If you or someone you love needs help with addiction, call 954-994-2965 today to speak with a treatment specialist.
Does Insurance Cover Rehab?
Rehab insurance coverage is addressed in The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008. This Act states that insurance companies cannot discriminate or deny rehab insurance coverage to individuals with substance abuse disorders.
To further set the standard for rehab insurance coverage, The Affordable Care Act of 2010 identified mental health and addiction services as an essential part of health benefits. Insurance companies must treat mental health and substance abuse treatment just like any other health treatment.
Insurance companies have different types of rehab insurance coverage plans that can be tailored to fit an individual’s needs. To assure that your insurance policy is right for you, consider these essential facts about rehab insurance coverage:
1. The first thing to do is to speak with your insurance provider about mental health and drug addiction treatment coverage in your policy.
2. Ask your provider about co-payments, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums.
3. To verify your insurance coverage, speak with an Admissions Representative at an addiction rehab center and ask for an estimate of the cost of the treatment, and how much your insurance will cover.
4. Does insurance cover rehab for a relapse? If you have relapsed after receiving substance abuse treatment in a rehab center, some insurance companies may consider the relapse as a “pre-existing condition” and deny treatment for the relapse.
The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 states that the limits placed on the care, treatment, and financial responsibility for mental and substance abuse disorders must be equal to those placed on any other physical health treatment. Ask your insurance provider about coverage in the event of a relapse. If you don’t have relapse coverage or a limited amount, speak to an
Admissions Representative at an addiction treatment center to find out the cost of rehab without insurance.
5. Does insurance cover rehab for both inpatient and outpatient care? Most insurance policies will cover both inpatient and outpatient treatment at a rehab center. Inpatient treatment is more costly because you receive 24-hour-a-day-care, which usually includes a supervised medical detox treatment, therapy, and counseling.
Outpatient care is designed for individuals who cannot leave their small children, school, or their job, for an extended stay in a rehab facility. Outpatient care also includes supervised medical detox, plus therapy and counseling as needed. Ask an Admissions Representative about the cost of rehab without insurance for both an inpatient and outpatient status.
6. For more comprehensive information about your rehab insurance coverage, ask your insurance provider to describe your coverage for residential rehab programs, partial hospitalization treatment programs, intensive outpatient programs, and sober living communities.
7. Medicaid rehab coverage differs from State to State, so speak with a representative in your State. Original Medicare covers 80% of mental health services, plus alcohol and substance abuse treatment, but you must receive treatment from one of their participating providers. Tricare is insurance coverage for the U.S. Military that covers substance abuse treatment. Speak with a representative of Tricare to learn the specifics of their coverage.
Does insurance cover rehab? To find out exactly what qualifies under your insurance, you really should speak to your provider about what your policy covers.
To learn about the cost of rehab without insurance, reach out to the addiction specialists at Legacy Healing Center by calling 954-994-2965 today to speak with a treatment specialist.