Life in Recovery: Nar-Anon Meetings in Baltimore
Legacy Healing Center Blog
These Baltimore Nar-Anon Meetings Provide Valuable Support for Families of Addicts
Many people overlook the impact that drug addiction can have on the family members of the person who is struggling with the addiction. It’s utterly and completely heartbreaking to watch your loved one go through the cycles of addiction. When your loved one is ready to finally commit to a treatment plan, or attend Nar-Anon meetings, you may feel incredibly excited and happy but confused and anxious at the same time because your emotions may be so interwoven into the decisions of that person.
It’s important to remember that, to a certain extent, family members also need help recovering from the wounds of addiction. Deciding to attend Nar-Anon meetings can provide you with the support you need from other people who have found themselves in a similar situation.
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How Nar-Anon Helps Recovering Addicts Stay Sober
There are countless advantages for friends and family members to attend Nar-Anon meetings regularly. Here are just a few of the ways that we believe making this decision will help both you as well as your loved one remain sober:
Many friends and family members mistakenly believe that they are completely alone in how they feel as their loved one is either amid active addiction or working through a recovery program. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Attending a Nar-Anon can put you in touch with other people that have been through similar situations and can provide you with the support that you need as you begin to navigate your own emotions.
A better sense of understanding
If you’ve never had an addiction before, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to put together an understanding of how a person with addiction thinks or feels regularly. Nar-Anon meetings can help expose you to the chaos of what it’s like to suffer from addiction so you can begin developing a better understanding of the disease.
Rediscover yourself
When you’re trying to help a friend or family member overcome their own addiction, it’s understandable that you may feel as though you lost yourself in the process. When you attend a Nar-Anon meeting, you are taking the first step toward breaking the enablement cycle and beginning to rediscover your own identity and sense of self.
Find Nar-Anon Meetings in Baltimore
If you have never been to a Nar-Anon meeting before, you may feel nervous about what you can expect during one. Nar-Anon meetings are designed to be welcoming. Some Nar-Anon meetings are open, which means that any person can attend a meeting. Whether you’re the friend or family member of a person with an addiction, or if you’re just interested in finding out more about the subject, you would be welcome at an open Nar-Anon meeting. On the other hand, closed meetings are restricted for people that the drug use of another has impacted. When you’re ready to attend a Nar-Anon meeting, here are some of the options you have in Baltimore.
Life At Liberty at Immaculate Conception Church
This meeting takes place every Saturday at 11 AM. This is an open meeting meaning that any person can attend the meeting. The forum is hosted by the Immaculate Conception Church, which provides ample parking and space, so you will usually never have to worry about the meeting being too crowded.
1512 Druid Hill Ave, Baltimore, MD 21217
Serenity Within
The Serenity Within meeting is a specifically designed group for people that are new to the premise of Nar-Anon. This meeting takes place every Friday at 7 PM at the Patapsco United Methodist Church.
7800 Wise Ave, Dundalk, MD 21222
Beginning a Journey
Every person is on an essential journey toward their own recovery when they begin to attend Nar-Anon meetings. This is a journey that will last for the rest of your life. This meeting takes place every Wednesday at 6:30 PM at the Linthicum Heights United Methodist Church.
200 School Ln, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090
At Legacy Healing Center, we understand the importance of providing support and resources to both a person suffering from an addiction and their family members. Suppose you’re interested in learning more about our alcohol detox or drug detox programs, or you would like to find out about our options for drug rehab or alcohol rehab. In that case, we encourage you to reach out to one of our recovery specialists. We can provide you with more details about addiction treatment and help to set you up on the road to sobriety. Please call us today at 888.534.2295.