Faith Based Drug Rehab For Brooklyn, NY Residents

Christian Drug Rehab for
Brooklyn, NY Residents

When you come to the understanding that you have an addiction, there are many things you may realize in the process. You may come to see that your life has taken a turn for the worst in multiple ways. People who you were once close to no longer want to interact with you while your professional life may have fallen by the wayside.

One of the other meaningful relationships in your life that may have dissipated is the relationships you have with God. Whether you are interested in renewing your relationship with God or are just beginning to try to develop a connection, you can rest assured that we will provide you with the support and encouragement that you need to overcome your addiction to pursue a more fulfilling relationship with God.


How Are Faith-Based Rehabs Different?

At Legacy Healing Center in South Florida, we understand that focusing on your faith can be a beneficial and vital aspect of your recovery. This is why we will always encourage you to share what you are thinking or feeling regarding that component of your life. One of the ways that you can express your opinions is through participating in group therapy. During these sessions, a member of our team will open the discussion regarding various topics. You can rest assured that group therapy will always be a safe space where you can talk about your growing spirituality.

Individual therapy in Brooklyn will also play an extremely beneficial role in your overall recovery plan. Understandably, there may be certain aspects about your growing faith that you may not feel comfortable talking about in a group setting. This is where one-on-one counseling comes into play. During these sessions, you will have the chance to interact with our team to discuss a variety of topics. Whether you would like to speak about how you are progressing in your treatment program, your growing faith, or perhaps some of the traumas that may have led you toward addiction, we are here to listen. Of course, we can help you make any adjustments you need to your treatment program during these sessions.


What Does the Bible Say About Addiction?

For hundreds of years, the Bible has served as a source of comfort and guidance to Christians. It is believed to be filled with words from God that will help His followers live a prudent and holy life so that they can be with Him for eternity in Heaven one day. Although the Bible does not explicitly mention drug addiction, it contains several passages that expressly address addiction’s dangers. 

The verse’ 1 Corinthians 10:13′ discusses the topic of temptation by stating, “But when you are tempted, He [God] will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” This scripture quote is influential because it acknowledges that even though you go through the recovery process, you will still be tempted at certain points throughout your life. If you stay true to your faith and your belief in God, however, and continue to work on yourself and your recovery, you will win against that temptation. 

Sober Friendly Attractions Near Brooklyn 

When you get back to Brooklyn, you may feel as though you have renewed energy to visit some of the locations you may have missed seeing when you were struggling with addiction. Brooklyn is filled with many great attractions that can help you feel as though you are close to God. Before you make plans to visit these sites, however, you should ensure that you have a plan in place to keep your sobriety intact. 

Attending 12-step meetings regularly and interacting with people with your best interests at heart are essential dynamics that will help keep you focused. From there, you should consider seeing some of these locations. 

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Taking a breath of fresh air and listening to the nature around you is an excellent way to better connect with God. Brooklyn Bridge Park is a perfect location. This beautiful park gives you an amazing view of the New York City skyline. It also provides you with several outdoor recreational activity options. You can take a long walk through the park or take a special little one with you and let them enjoy the playground. 

334 Furman Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 

St. Patrick’s Cathedral

Located just a short drive outside of Brooklyn is the world-famous St. Patrick’s Cathedral. This Catholic church is the home of Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, who is considered the head of the Catholic church for the Archdiocese of New York. Services are held at St. Patrick’s daily, with weekend mass being celebrated multiple times between Saturday night throughout Sunday. 

Fifth Ave, Manhattan, NY 10022  

Brooklyn Tabernacle

The Brooklyn Tabernacle is one of the most popular spiritual locations in the Brooklyn area. This megachurch is primarily known for its incredible choir, which sings during nearly every service. Although this church is non-denominational, it can offer you a basis for beginning to develop and grow in your own spirituality. 

17 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 

An addiction to drugs is not a disease that needs to end your life. With the care and support of the Legacy Healing Center team and your growing spirituality, you can change the course of your life so that you can go on to live the life that you have always dreamed of. The first step in your journey is to reach out to one of our recovery specialists. They will be able to help you set up the initial framework of your treatment plan and answer any questions that you may have.

Legacy Healing Center testimonials

What Our Alumni Has to Say

Absolutely beautiful! Staff is so caring and welcoming. Highly recommend to anyone who is struggling and looking to heal. This is the place for you!

Jacqueline C.

Honestly, it's not what you imagine when thinking "detox." Legacy made my experience so comfortable from beds, food, staff and such a clean facility. Besides all that they literally gave me life back. Forever thankful.

Avi S.

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