Faith-Based Drug Rehab for Jacksonville Residents
Addiction in Jacksonville
Jacksonville gets sunshine around the year, and has one of the happiest labor forces in the country. These should make for excellent mental health. The fact is, however, that the city has experienced a crisis of mental health. Jacksonville sees 13 suicides per 100,000 residents each year. A survey in the year 2017 found that one in five high school students in Duval County attempted suicide that year.
Difficult mental health circumstances tend to be a strong indicator for substance abuse. When people have trouble with depression, anxiety, or any number of other mental health conditions, they tend to turn to substance abuse for comfort. The city of Jacksonville is, indeed, going through a drug abuse crisis. Opioid overdoses and overdoses arising from other drugs killed 235 people in Jacksonville in the year 2019. Compared to the 175 or so overdose deaths that the year 2018 saw, it’s a 34% increase year-on-year. If you struggle with substance abuse issues, Legacy Healing Center in South Florida can help you.
Finding Faith-based Drug Rehab Options for Jacksonville Residents
Many people are deeply spiritual, and place a great deal of faith in the presence of a higher power. As earnestly as they may wish to break free, they may find it beyond their power to do so alone. Finding a faith-based drug rehab to help you overcome addiction and find purpose in life can help you achieve long-term sobriety and an overall healthier and happier life.
For those who have deep faith in spirituality, choosing faith-based rehab can be helpful. Involving spiritual reflection in recovery, it helps them seek spiritual strength and lean on their relationship with God to overcome the situation that they find themselves in.
Legacy Healing Center serving Jacksonville & South Florida offers this type of guidance and spiritual reflection as a part of each treatment program.
How are Faith-based Rehabs Different?
Faith-based rehab isn’t fundamentally different from secular rehab. Both offer treatment that includes medical professionals, medications, and therapy. Both have their foundations in modern medical science. In faith-based rehab, however, patients receiving treatment congregate with others who share their faith and convictions, feel a sense of community and camaraderie, share their experiences with fellow addiction survivors, and work hard at getting better. Faith-based rehab is different from secular rehab, simply in the way it brings participants together through their faith, and helps them find strength together.
For those whose faith runs particularly deep, the power of belief can be an effective way to find sense in the turns that life takes, and to find the path of righteousness. Faith can be a powerful ally in the journey to sobriety. It’s important to understand, however, that faith-based rehab only works well for those who believe, through the sense of community that it brings when people get together with others who share their faith. If you wish to pursue faith-based rehab, it’s important that you find a program whose religious leanings are close to your own beliefs. It’s important to talk to your rehab counselor about the religious principles that their programs work on to ensure that there is no significant divergence.
It’s also a good idea to make sure that the rehab you choose brings religious beliefs into the treatment plan in a way that works for you. Some programs, for instance, may make community prayer an important part of their recovery plan. If you, on the other hand, connect with God through private meditation, you may not find that the approach works for you. It’s important to take your time to understand how exactly a faith-based program works, and to make a choice based on adequate information.
What Does the Bible Day About addiction?
Addiction wasn’t a familiar term of use in biblical times. While the Bible doesn’t directly speak about addiction, however, it does refer repeatedly to the ills of intoxication and choices that harm the body. As a follower of the Christian faith, there is a great deal of divine guidance that you can seek from passages in the Bible that speak against the use of intoxicating substances. As a believer, it can help to draw strength from the following passages.
Corinthians 6:9-11
Nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Romans 13:13
Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy.
Isaiah 5:11
Woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink, Who stay up late in the evening that wine may inflame them.
Jeremiah 25:27
Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, “Drink, be drunk, vomit, fall and rise no more because of the sword which I will send among you.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, sound purpose in life is one of the most important dimensions to complete recovery. It can be hard to find the strength to leave addiction behind when life, to you, lacks purpose. For many people, religion and a striving to be close to God, lends life a great sense of purpose. Faith-based rehab can greatly help those who struggle with addiction, in this way.
Many studies show that relapse, or a return to addictive behavior, tends to appear at lower rates among people who deeply believe in spirituality and use it in their recovery. One study published in Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly in the year 2006 stated that spirituality helped people deal with stress, a significant predictor of substance abuse.
The idea to take away, then, is that if you struggle with addiction, but are spiritual and hold deep faith in God, a faith-based rehab system may be ideal for you.
Sober-friendly Attractions Near Jacksonville
Overcoming addiction isn’t just about the hard work of recovery. It is also about gaining new appreciation for all that life has to offer. Sunny Jacksonville has a great assortment of sights and activities for those looking to incorporate sober-friendly activities into their recovery. The Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, the Museum of Science and History, and the Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary, are all great places to spend some time. You can also explore some of Jacksonville’s more creative new attractions. The Bank Heist Escape Room Jacksonville attraction has you attempting to pretend robbing a bank. The Playground Escape Room has you locked in a room, with your ability to complete a mission being your only way to get out.
Legacy Healing Center in South Florida offers those struggling with addiction effective ways to overcome addiction through faith. If you rely on your faith to get you through each day, Legacy Healing Center can help you use it to overcome your current predicament.

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