Inpatient Drug Rehab for Washington, D.C. Residents

What Is Inpatient Drug Rehab?

At Legacy Healing Center in South Florida, we understand that we cannot provide a general approach to recovery. Clients come from all different types of backgrounds and require different types of support. This variety is why we offer clients the option of an inpatient program to help them overcome their addiction to drugs. Clients who decide to take advantage of this program will live on our campus for a set amount of days while working through the various facets of their addiction.

Call Legacy Healing Center 24/7 to speak with an intake specialist. Calls are completely confidential.

How Long Does Rehab Take?

You can choose a treatment plan that lasts anywhere between 30, 60 or 90 days. We always caution our clients to make the decision regarding the duration of their recovery treatment with the help of a member of the Legacy Healing team. There are several factors that you should always take into consideration, including the length and type of your addiction. Moreover, sometimes it helps to have a third party to help you to make the final decision.

Regardless of whether you opt to go through our 30, 60 or 90-day program, you will participate in different forms of therapies, including family therapy, behavioral therapy, individual therapy, and group therapy. These therapeutic techniques will only help to aid in your recovery.

Call Legacy Healing Center 24/7 to speak with an intake specialist. Calls are completely confidential.

30-Day Rehab

Your first 30 days of treatment are critical to your overall recovery. During these first 30 days, you will begin to take steps toward breaking the vicious cycle of addiction. You will start to focus on healing yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually by participating in different forms of treatment and activities that will help you remain focused on your sobriety. Additionally, you will start to look into why you may have turned toward addiction in the first place. Remember, you always have the flexibility to extend your treatment program to a 60 or 90-day length just by speaking to a member of our team.

60-Day Rehab

Our 60-day program is the perfect middle ground between a shorter 30-day program and our extended 90-day program. There are times when a 30-day program isn’t long enough, but some of our clients cannot commit to a 90-day program because of personal or professional responsibilities. A 60-day program will still provide you with the support you need to overcome your addiction without a prolonged commitment.

Call Legacy Healing Center 24/7 to speak with an intake specialist. Calls are completely confidential.
90-Day Long-Term Rehab

Enrolling in a 90-day long-term treatment program provides you with the best chance of attaining life-long sobriety. Although you will still take part in the same forms of treatment and activities that you would during a 30- or 60-day program, a 90-day program provides you with an extended period where you can truly absorb the lessons you are learning during your time at Legacy Healing.

Sober Friendly Attractions Near Washington, D.C.

Sadly, it’s easy to lose yourself when you are in the midst of addiction. While you are so focused on satisfying your addiction, you miss out on the activities around you. For example, Washington, D.C. is filled with several fascinating cultural and recreational attractions. Once you return home after your stay at Legacy Healing in South Florida, we encourage you to take the time to visit some of these venues.

However, we always caution our clients to first develop a healthy routine of attending regular 12-step meetings and developing their support system before they begin to venture out. Once you feel comfortable in your recovery, here are a few recommendations of places to visit in the area:

World War II Memorial

World War II is an event that left a defining mark on nearly every country around the world. Thousands of soldiers lost their lives in the fight against Nazism. Today, the events of World War II are remembered through the World War II Memorial. The memorial was developed in 2004 and is located between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. Visitors to the site are sure to appreciate the various tributes to the soldier who died in battle and the different etching and quotes on display around the landmark.

You can visit the World War II Memorial at 1750 Independent Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20024.

Rock Creek Park

Although Washington, D.C. is a bustling city, there are still venues that offer visitors a quiet and peaceful environment. Rock Creek Park is an example of such a location. Located just outside the middle of the city, the park is referred to as an oasis in the city. The site was first developed in 1890, and since that time has grown to offer different hiking trails, guided tours, tennis and basketball courts and much more. The park is open around from sun up to sun down every day of the week.

Rock Creek Park is located at 5200 Glover Road, NW, Washington, D.C., 20015.

International Spy Museum

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to be a spy, the International Spy Museum should be on your list of places to visit. This one-of-a-kind museum features no less than 750 different spy artifacts spread throughout a 20,000 square foot space. The collection spans back to ancient times and includes pieces from the Renaissance and American Civil War era. The museum is opened seven days a week, but the open and close times vary.

You can visit the International Spy Museum at 700 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, D.C., 20024.

At Legacy Healing Center in South Florida, we strive to provide you with an environment where you will feel as though you are coming to a home away from home for your treatment. Our caring team of addiction experts is available around the clock during your stay to provide you with the support you need to overcome your addiction. When you are ready to take the first step toward your recovery, please reach out to one of our intake specialists who can help you begin the healing process. We truly look forward to helping you through this new phase of your life.

Legacy Healing Center testimonials

What Our Alumni Has to Say

Absolutely beautiful! Staff is so caring and welcoming. Highly recommend to anyone who is struggling and looking to heal. This is the place for you!

Jacqueline C.

Honestly, it's not what you imagine when thinking "detox." Legacy made my experience so comfortable from beds, food, staff and such a clean facility. Besides all that they literally gave me life back. Forever thankful.

Avi S.

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If you would like to get in touch with us or simply have any questions or comments, please call us today. Our helpline if 100% confidential.

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