Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Its Impact on Substance Abuse
Legacy Healing Center Blog
Understanding the Connection Between PTSD, Substance Abuse and Addiction
Once a person identifies that they have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, that person must work toward uncovering the events in their life that may have led it. Countless people develop an addiction as a result of a co-occurring condition such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Some clients who turn to the professionals at Legacy Healing Center for help may not realize that they have PTSD, while many other clients are aware that they have this condition, but they aren’t sure how to address it. The Legacy team works with our clients personally to help you put together a treatment plan that will most benefit you.
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What Is PTSD?
PTSD, also known as post-traumatic stress disorder, is a condition that a person may suffer from experiencing a traumatic event. Numerous symptoms are associated with this condition that can feel unmanageable if a person does not receive the type of care they need after the event occurs. As a result, many people turn to drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medicating. It can ultimately develop into full-blown addiction and issues with other mental disorders, including depression.
There is a category of people that are prone to developing post-traumatic stress disorder, including:
- Those who have been the victims of acts of terrorism
- Those who have experienced military combat or served as a first responder
- Those who have dealt with the death of a loved one
- Those who have suffered from physical, psychological, or sexual abuse
Regardless of the event behind your post-traumatic stress disorder, you can rest assured that the Legacy Healing Center staff is trained to help clients from all walks of life work toward overcoming their addiction and addressing the triggers of both conditions.
Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
When it comes to treating post-traumatic stress disorder, it’s critical to understand the symptoms associated with the condition. Here are some examples of the categories related to PTSD:
- Intrusive memories: Intrusive memories can come in many different forms. Many people experience intrusive memories when they’re sleeping through night terrors. Countless other people may be performing a regular activity and are suddenly struck with a vivid and almost realistic flashback that stops them in their tracks. Regardless of how a person experiences intrusive memories, they are, without a doubt, scary and paralyzing.
- Avoidance: A person may avoid talking about PTSD for several reasons. First and foremost, they may not want to talk about this condition because they are afraid that even thinking about it may trigger a flashback.
- Noticeable change in emotional reactions: It’s not uncommon for the loved ones of a person with PTSD to notice changes in that person’s well-being. For instance, memory lapse, insomnia, and concentrating issues are all examples of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Remember, if you see an alarming change in the behavior of your loved one or yourself, you can always reach out to the Legacy Healing Center for more information. We’re happy to speak with family members who have their concerns or provide more information to individuals thinking about looking into addiction treatment.
Statistics About PTSD and Addiction
The statistics associated with PTSD and addiction are staggering. Although these statistics change from year to year, the mark that this condition can leave on a person’s life is undeniable. According to recent studies, approximately 8 million people will develop post-traumatic stress disorder throughout the year.
One of the common misconceptions associated with PTSD is that many who suffer from it believe that it will just disappear over time. However, the reality is that as time goes on, the impact of the issue can only worsen and tend to be exacerbated when it’s compounded by addiction.
One of the best things that you can do for your physical and psychological health is reach out to a team of experienced professionals to learn more about trauma, addiction, and the type of treatment available for both.
Treating Co-Occurring Conditions and Addiction
The Legacy Healing Center team understands the importance of addressing both PTSD and addiction. As addiction experts, we understand the severe impact that both conditions could have on your life. We take the time to learn more about your history to help you develop a treatment plan that enables you to recognize the goals you have for your recovery. When you’re ready to learn more about the recovery options that we have to address substance abuse, reach out to one of our addiction treatment specialists at 888.534.2295.