Tampa MAT Drug Rehab
Legacy Healing Center Blog
What Is MAT Drug Rehab?
MAT, also known as Medication Assisted Treatment, is an integrated combination of medications and behavioral therapy and counseling used to help patients detox from drugs or alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms for many substances can be uncomfortable, painful, and even dangerous if medical professionals do not treat them, and detoxing itself can be frightening, especially if you do not know what to expect. This complicated process entails why Legacy Healing provides an effective Tampa MAT drug rehab program to help residents overcome addiction in a safe and professional environment.
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Is MAT Drug Rehab Effective?
Because our Tampa MAT drug rehab program provides a comprehensive and customized program to each patient, it is clinically effective and has been proven to:
- Increase patient survival rates and treatment retention
- Decrease drug use and criminal activity in patients while increasing their employability
- Improve birth outcomes for women who are pregnant and have substance use disorders
- Lower patients’ risk of contracting infectious diseases like HIV and Hepatitis C
Medications Used in MAT Drug Rehab
The types of medications used in Tampa MAT drug rehab treatments vary depending on the type of drug you are detoxing from, as well as your situation.
- For detoxing from alcohol, disulfiram, acamprosate, and naltrexone are most commonly used. These medications do not provide a cure but change the way alcohol reacts in the body, decreasing the likelihood of relapse.
- For opioids, buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone are the most common medications used for detox purposes, with naloxone used to prevent overdose from opioids.
- Other medications may be provided for relief from pain, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. A short-term prescription of benzodiazepines or sleep aids may be prescribed for relief from anxiety and restlessness.
- For dual diagnosis treatment, psychiatric medications may be prescribed.
MAT Alcohol Rehab
Detoxing from alcohol or any drug at home is not recommended, as the withdrawal symptoms can quickly escalate to dangerous levels. A MAT alcohol rehab program is recommended to keep you safe and comfortable during the 24-hour clinical care you will be given. Your progress will be monitored, and nursing staff will be on-duty to ensure no medical emergencies occur.
MAT Opioid Rehab
Opioid rehab requires a detox period that can feel unbearable without help from medical professionals. The medications given in a MAT detox program can treat the intense drug cravings and pain without getting you high or creating another addiction. Through behavioral therapy and counseling, you will begin the work to find the underlying causes of addiction that will continue into rehab.
MAT for Overdose Prevention
Naloxone is an opioid agonist that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. It comes in an injectable form or a pre-packaged nasal spray. Naloxone works by attaching to opioid receptors, then reversing and blocking the effects of other opioids. It can quickly restore a regular breathing rhythm to somebody experiencing an opioid overdose but only works for 30 to 90 minutes. It should be used under medical care or after calling 911 so the individual having the overdose can receive immediate medical care.
MAT Drug Rehab at Legacy Healing Center
If you are looking for an effective Tampa MAT drug rehab program that can ease your discomfort and ensure you remain safe, contact Legacy Healing today. We provide combined medical care, mental health care, and addictions treatments during detox to get to the root of substance use disorders and mental illness in one integrated program while keeping you safe from harm and as comfortable as possible. We address the contributing factors to your addiction while your body adjusts itself to no longer having the drug in its system.
Once you have completed your detox, we can transition you into an inpatient program or outpatient plan that best suits your unique needs. As you continue your treatment program, we provide you with the recovery skills and tools you will need to regain your health and wellness and overcome your addiction. For more information on our Tampa MAT drug rehab programs, contact Legacy Healing at 888.534.2295 today.