Top 10 Most Addictive Prescription Pills
Legacy Healing Center Blog
Some of the most addictive prescription pills available today have serious side effects and when not careful, they use can lead to abuse. Although doctors prescribe them for valid psychical and mental conditions, exercise caution because over-dependence on these drugs can lead to a life of addiction.
The most addictive prescription pills are clinically used as painkillers, antidepressant, and stimulants. The high, relaxation and heightened energy experienced after using them can cause you to get “hooked”. The following are some of the most addictive prescription pills.
This drug is commonly administered to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Deficiency, ADD and narcolepsy patients. It helps increase levels of concentration and focus. It affects the central nervous system where more dopamine is produced to enhance concentration levels to the patients. Doctors have prescribed this and related drugs more than 29 million times since 2005. Abusers usually have high levels of alertness, dilated pupils, hyperactivity, loss of appetite and weight and also suffer from hallucinations and delusions.
The drug Xanax is a benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety, depression and panic attacks. It calms down a person by creating euphoric and sedative effects. It works very fast on the central nervous system to cause a calming effect and sedate. Abusers usually sleep a lot, have a decreased appetite, slurred speech, slow movements and lack interest in most activities.
Vicodin (Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen)
Vicodin can be used for treating mild to chronic pain. This opioid also has sedative and euphoric effects. It’s especially risky high due to the ability to overdose on it. It is known to slow or and stop breathing when used for extended periods of time or when taken in large doses. When combined with alcohol or other stimulants, the effects can be fatal. It can also cause liver damage. Those abusing the drug are advised to seek medical attention if they notice yellow, jaundice like symptoms on the skin and eyes, a rash on the skin, dark urine and stool.
Oxycontin is an opioid also used to treat mild to severe pain effectively. All opioids also referred to as narcotics can cause over-dependence even when administered at the right dosage. In addition to dealing with pain, Oxycontin has a euphoric and sedative effect that leaves abusers yearning for more. It can be taken as a pill, but some abusers crush, mix with water then snort or inject it into the body. Effects include a lethargy stoned look, pinpointed pupils, lack of interest and loss of weight. It can also cause slurred speech and slow movements.
Adderall (amphetamines)
This drug is used to treat ADD and ADHD. It enhances concentration and focus. The drug works on the central nervous system of the individual stimulating dopamine, increasing alertness and energy levels. One can stay awake for longer levels without tiring. It is sort after because of its energy boosting abilities. You can detect abuse by noticing high levels of alertness and activity, inability to sleep, hallucinations, paranoia, loss of appetite and subsequent weight loss.
Codeine is an opioid derivative commonly used in cough syrups and is often administered with other drugs. It is also commonly known as ‘Purple Drink’ in its liquid cough syrup form which was used in hip-hop music shows as a concoction of soda to cause an all-time high while masking the cough syrup taste. When abused in high doses, it can cause dependency issues along with a risk of overdose.
Percocet is used to treat different levels of pain. It can be abused because of it’s euphoric or high. It works on parts of the brain that cause pleasure by stimulating them. As one achieves tolerance to the drug, there is a need to increase the dosage for the same effects to be experienced. Because of the need to take a higher dosage when you reach tolerance levels many individuals feel their inability to stop using the substance.
It is a benzodiazepine used to deal with anxiety, depression, panic disorders, and muscle spasms. It causes calmness by working on the brain to reduce activity and slow breathing. It is abused for its sedative effects to treat sleeplessness and anxiety. When abused, it is administered as a pill or crushed and snorted. Addicts lack coordination and interest in anything. They also suffer from loss of appetite, have a slurred speech and slow movements. Most abusers use it together with alcohol and other narcotics. When used over an extended period, it can lead to depression, seizures, loss of memory and psychiatric issues.
Ambien (Zolpidem)
It is also known as hypnotic and is used to treat short term sleep disorders. It has sedative effects that help patients have better sleep. Generally, its prescribed to allow individuals restful nights sleep. Just after taking the pills, one experiences a high that lasts for a short period. Those who want to experience this high more often, have to take doses frequently. After a while, abusers of this drug are not able to coordinate events, have a slow slurred speech and lack the energy needed to move or work properly. Most are not interested in daily and recreational activities.
Demerol is also in the opioid family and is used to relieve pain. It has sedative and euphoric effects on the brain. It deadens the brain’s ability to perceive the pain replacing it with a sedated and high feeling. Over-dependence on the drug can lead to addiction where one is forced to take larger doses to maintain the high.
If you have a history of addiction or believe you may have an addictive personality, it’s important to ask your doctor for alternatives. Most importantly if you are prescribed one of the substances mentioned above, you should remember to take the pills as prescribed and for the duration the doctor advises. When you notice any effects, consult your doctor. Also, do not share these drugs with others even when you have similar symptoms. Former addicts should also avoid them.