Top 5 Most Addictive Drugs
Legacy Healing Center Blog
The most addictive drugs all have similar qualities.
Ever wondered what the most addictive drugs are? Or which is the hardest drug to quit? Or which are the drugs that are the easiest to get addicted to? Drug addiction is on the rise nationwide and is a disease that not only destroys lives but also affects the brains functioning.
The most addictive drugs give pleasure to the brain, giving it a sense of reward and wanting more and the more certain drugs are used the higher the addiction rate of drugs goes up making dependence a factor. The 5 most addictive drugs are drugs that you have certainly heard of.
If you or someone you love needs help with addiction, call 954-994-2965 today to speak with a treatment specialist.
Learn the 5 most addictive drugs
The top 5 are:
• Heroin
• Cocaine
• Alcoholic
• Nicotine
• Methamphetamine
You may look at the list of these most addictive drugs and think that they aren’t all drugs, but that isn’t the case. All of the things listed above are substances that have addictive qualities and can cause dependence and changes in the brain. Continue reading to learn more about the most addictive drugs and what they do to your body and brain.
Heroin – Heroin is one of the most addictive and dangerous drugs out there. It is an opioid that blocks the feelings of pain and relaxes the body giving an out of body experience. Heroin addiction is constantly on the rise due to how easily it can be found on the street and its prices. Heroin dependence can occur quickly, especially after regular use and has severe withdrawal symptoms.
Cocaine – Cocaine is a stimulant, a party drug, a drug for the rich or even a street drug. Cocaine is a common drug that is derived from a plant in South America and can be made either in the form of powder or rock. The way cocaine reaches the system is either through snorting, smoking or injecting.
Cocaine is addictive because it has quick euphoric effects that are intense, filling the brain with dopamine and then it’s gone. Cocaine is a drug that has short term effects, leaving the user wanting more and needing more. Cocaine affects the body in different ways, it creates a pleasant feeling of euphoria as well as excitement and alertness and is commonly used in a binge pattern.
Alcohol – Alcohol, while not illegal, is one of the most abused addictive substances in the USA. Alcohol plays on the dopamine levels in the brain as other substances to help with mood while lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Alcohol slows the body down while giving off a good feeling, lowering inhibitions and increasing confidence. Alcohol, as other substances can lead to dependence and withdrawal symptoms can also be severe.
Nicotine – Nicotine, like alcohol, is a legal substance that affects more than 32 million individuals nationwide. Nicotine is highly addictive and gives the brain a rewarding feeling that can be noted in the elevation of mood and kicks in quickly. Nicotine dependence can grow quickly, which is why it is considered one of the most addictive drugs and withdrawal from nicotine can affect the mind and the body as a whole.
Methamphetamine – Methamphetamine is a stimulant, similar to cocaine that is man-made in laboratories. Methamphetamine is also known as meth and can be in the form of powder or crystal that is either smoked, snorted or injected. Meth gives the brain a euphoric feeling that increases focus, gets rid of the need for sleeping and eating, gives the user extra excitability and energy. Meth is dangerous because it can cause aggression in its users and extreme psychotic side effects.
All of our top 5 most addictive drugs can be habit-forming and difficult to stop. Some of the drugs listed above can have fatal effects due to overdose while others can have fatal outcomes to do frequent use over time. If you believe that someone you love is struggling with an addiction to one of these drugs listed above, it may be a good idea to speak to them about getting help.
Reach out to us today and call 954-994-2965 to speak with a treatment specialist.